“If the others heard me talking out loud they would think that I am crazy. But since I am not, I do not care.”
Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
ADORNO, THEODOR - Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life (Radical Thinkers)
ADORNO, THEODOR - Dialectic of Enlightenment (Cultural Memory in the Present)
ADORNO, THEODOR - The Stars Down to Earth
ADORNO, THEODOR - Aesthetic Theory (Theory and History of Literature)
ANZIEU, DIDIER - L’io pelle
ANZIEU, DIDIER - The Skin-Ego: A New Translation by Naomi Segal (The History of Psychoanalysis Series)
ANZIEU, DIDIER - A Skin for Thought: Interviews with Gilbert Tarrab on Psychology and Psychoanalysis
ARUNDHATI, ROY - Guida all'impero per gente comune
ARUNDHATI, ROY - Quando arrivano le cavallette
ARUNDHATI, ROY - The End of Imagination
ARUNDHATI, ROY - Things that Can and Cannot Be Said: Essays and Conversations
AUGÈ, MARC - Rovine e miserie
AUGÈ, MARC - Non luoghi - Non-places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity (Cultural Studies)
AUGÈ, MARC - Someone's Trying to Find You (The French List)
AUGÈ, MARC - Everyone Dies Young: Time Without Age (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)
AUGÈ, MARC - An Anthropology for Contemporaneous Worlds (Mestizo Spaces/Espaces Metisses)
AUGÈ, MARC - La guerra dei sogni. Esercizi di Etno-Fiction. - The War of Dreams: Studies in Ethno Fiction (Anthropology, Culture, and Society)
AUGÈ, MARC - Il Senso degli Altri - A Sense for the Other: The Timeliness and Relevance of Anthropology
AUGÈ, MARC - Un Etnologo nel metrò -In The Metro
AUGÈ, MARC - Un altro mondo è possibile (Italian Edition)
BARICCO, ALESSANDRO - The Barbarians: An Essay on the Mutation of Culture
BARICCO, ALESSANDRO - Novecento: Un monologo (Italian Edition)
BARTHES, ROLAND - Il sistema della moda
BARTHES, ROLAND - Miti d'oggi (Contemporary Mythology)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Liquid life (Must)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Liquid Love (Must)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Liquid fear (Must)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Liquid modernity (Must)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Wasted lives (Must)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Liquid Times. Living in an Age of Uncertainty (Must)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Consuming life (Must)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Thinking Sociologically (Must)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Contemporaneamente insieme - The Individualized Society (Must. Awesome book)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Culture in a Liquid Modern World 2011 (Must)
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Society Under Siege
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Globalization: The Human Consequence
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Collateral Damage: Social Inequality in a Global Age
BAUMAN, ZYGMUND - Strangers at our door
BENJAMIN, WALTER - Illuminations: Essays and Reflections
BENJAMIN, WALTER - The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
BENJAMIN, WALTER - Angelus Novus
BLUMENBERG, HANS - Elaborazione del Mito - Work on Myth
BLUMENBERG, HANS - Care Crosses the River (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
BOAS, FRANZ - L'uomo Primitivo - Primitive Man
BOATTO, A. - Narciso infranto. L’autoritratto moderno da Goya a Warhol.
BRAGAGLIA, A.G. - Le maschere italiane, Colombo Roma
CAMPHAUSEN, R.C. Return of the tribal, a celebration of body adornment
CAPRA, FRITJOF - The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism
CAPRA, FRITJOF - The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision
CAPRA, FRITJOF - The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture
CAPRA, FRITJOF - Uncommon Wisdom
CAPRA, FRITJOF - The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems
CARTER, RITA - Mapping the Mind
CASSIRER, E. - Filosofia delle forme simboliche - Philosophy of symbolic shapes (Study of Archetipical Thinking)
CASTIGLIONI, A. - Venere nera
CRANE, EVA - The World History of Beekeeping and Honey Hunting
CURLETTO, SILVIO - La norma e il suo rovescio: Coppie di opposti nel mondo religioso antico (Nuova atlantide) (Italian Edition)
DAMASIO, ANTONIO - Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain
DAMASIO, ANTONIO - The Strange Order of Things: Life, Feeling, and the Making of Cultures
DAMASIO, ANTONIO - Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain
DAMASIO, ANTONIO - The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness
DAMASIO, ANTONIO - Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain
DAMASIO, ANTONIO - Neurobiology of Human Values
DAMASIO, ANTONIO - Neurobiology of Decision-Making
DA VINCI, LEONARDO - Trattato della Pittura
DIAMOND, JARED - Guns, Germs, and Steel - The Fates of Human Societies
ECO, UMBERTO - Sugli specchi e altri saggii
FAETA, F. - Le figure inquiete
FERRARI, S. a.c.d - Autoritratto, psicologia e dintorni
FLORENSKJI, PAVEL - Le porte regali. Saggio sull’icona
FLORENSKJI, PAVEL - La prospettiva rovesciata ed altri scritti sull'arte
FLORENSKJI, PAVEL - Il significato dell'idealismo
FREUD, SIGMUND - Totem e tabu’
FREUD, SIGMUND - L'interpretazione dei sogni - Dream Psychology
FROMM, ERIC - To have or to be?
FROMM, ERIC - The Art of Being
FROMM, ERIC - The Art of Loving
FROMM, ERIC - Escape from Freedom
FROMM, ERIC - Man for Himself: An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics
FROMM, ERIC - I cosiddetti sani. La patologia della normalità - The Sane Society
FROMM, ERIC - Anatomia della distruttivitá umana - The Anatomy of Human Desctructiveness
GATTO TROCCHI, CECILIA - Le muse in azione: Ricerche di antropologia dell'arte (Antropologia culturale e sociale)
GATTO TROCCHI, CECILIA - La fiaba italiana di magia
GATTO TROCCHI, CECILIA - Le sette in Italia
GATTO TROCCHI, CECILIA - La sorgente di Mnemosine: Memoria, cultura, racconto (Biblioteca di cultura) (Italian Edition)
GATTO TROCCHI, CECILIA - Etnie, miti, culture (Biblioteca di cultura) (Italian Edition)
GEERTZ, CLIFFORD - Interpretazione di culture - The Interpretation of Cultures
GEERTZ, CLIFFORD - Available Light: Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics
GEERTZ, CLIFFORD - Local Knowledge: Further Essays In Interpretive Anthropology (Basic Books Classics)
GEERTZ, CLIFFORD - Math, Symbol, and Culture
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - L'uso delle Immagini - The Use of Images: Studies in the Social Function of Art and Visual Communication
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - NORM AND FORM; Studies in the Aet of the Renaissance
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - The Sense of Order: A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - Meditations on a Hobby Horse and Other Essays on the Theory of Art
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - Art and Illusion
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - The Heritage of Apelles
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - Shadows: The Depiction of Cast Shadows in Western Art
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - A Little History of the World
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - The Story of Art
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - Symbolic Images: Studies in the Art of the Renaissance
GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - The Image and the Eye: Further Studies in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation
HAMILTON, EDITH - Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
HILLMAN, JAMES - Senex & Puer
HILLMAN, JAMES - Pan and the Nightmare
HILLMAN, JAMES - Anima: Anatomy of a Personified Notion
HILLMAN, JAMES - The Soul's Code
HILLMAN, JAMES - The Force of Character: And the Lasting Life
HILLMAN, JAMES - Alchemical Psychology
HILLMAN, JAMES - Archetypal Psychology
HILLMAN, JAMES - The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World
HILLMAN, JAMES - Lament of the Dead: Psychology After Jung's Red Book
HILLMAN, JAMES - The Alchemy of Psychology
HILLMAN, JAMES - Fragments
HILLMAN, JAMES - Insearch: Psychology and Religion
HOFSTADTER, DOUGLAS R. - Gödel, Escher, Bach: Eterna Ghirlanda Brillante
HOFSTADTER, DOUGLAS R. - I am a strange loop
KAHNEMAN, DANIEL - Thinking fast and slow
KAHNEMAN, DANIEL - Choices, Values, and Frames
KANDINSKY, WASSILY, Lo spirituale nell'arte - Concerning the Spiritual in Art
KIRK, G.S. - Il Mito - The Myth
KRIS, E. KURZ, O. - La leggenda dell’artista
KRITSKY, GENE - The Tears of Re: Beekeeping in Ancient Egypt
LAYTON, R. - Antropologia dell’arte
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - Structural Anthropology
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - The elementary Structures of Kingship
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - Il pensiero selvaggio - The Savage Mind
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - Honey to ashes
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - Myth and Meaning
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - The Way of the Masks
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - The Origin of Table Manners
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - The other face of the moon
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - Il Crudo e il Cotto - The Raw and the Cooked
LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - The Story of Lynx
LOMBROSO C. - L’uomo delinquente
MARRA, C. - Fotografia e pittura nel Novecento
McKENNA, TERENCE - Food Of The Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge
MORRIS DESMOND - Bodytalk: A World Guide to Gestures
MUNARI, BRUNO - Fantasia
OLENDER, M. - Le lingue del paradiso. Ariani e Semiti. Una coppia provvidenziale.
OMERO - Odissea
PAPARONI, D. - Il corpo parlante dell’arte
PERNOUD, R. - La donna al tempo delle cattedrali
PERROT, P. - Il sopra e il sotto della borghesia
PINDARO - Olimpiche
PLATONE - La Repubblica
POLI, FRANCESCO - Il sistema dell'arte contemporanea
PROPP, VLADIMIR - Morphology of the Folktale
PROPP, VLADIMIR - Theory and History of Folklore (Theory and History of Literature)
RANDALL, H. POLHEMUS, T. - The customized body, Serpent’s Tail
RANSOM, HILDA - The Sacred Bee in Ancient Times and Folklore
REATO, D. Le maschere veneziane
ROVERSI, P. - Alla ricerca dei cosmetici perduti
ROVERSI, P. - Alla ricerca della cosmesi dei primitivi
RUBIN, A. - Marks of civilisation, Arnold Rubin editore, New York
SACKS, OLIVER - The mind's eye
SACKS, OLIVER - Musicophilia
SACKS, OLIVER - Uncle Tungsten
SACKS, OLIVER - The man who mistook his wife for a hat
SACKS, OLIVER - Awakenings
SACKS, OLIVER - Hallucinations
SACKS, OLIVER - Migraine
SACKS, OLIVER - Seeing voices
SACKS, OLIVER - The island of Colorblind
SACKS, OLIVER - A leg to stand on
SACKS, OLIVER - An Anthropologist on Mars
SONTAG, SUSAN - Davanti al dolore degli altri - Regarding the Pain of Others
SONTAG, SUSAN - On Photography
SONTAG, SUSAN - Against Interpretation and Other Essays
SONTAG, SUSAN - At the Same Time
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Imaginary Homelands
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Est, Ovest - East, West
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Step across this line
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Joseph Anton: A Memoir
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - The Wizard of Oz
RUSKIN, JOHN - Economia politica dell'arte
RUSKIN, JOHN - The Seven Lamps of Architecture
RUSKIN, JOHN - The Stones Of Venice
RUSKIN, JOHN - Sesame and Lilies
SCHNEIDER, NORBERT - The art of the portrait: Masterpieces of European portrait-painting, 1420-1670
SORESI, ENZO - Il cervello anarchico
STUCCHI, L. VERDONE, M. - Le Maschere Italiane. The Italian Masks.
TAYLOR, SKYE ANN LOUISE - A Monk in the Bee Hive: A Short Discourse on Bees, Monks and Sacred Geometry
TERZANI, TIZIANO - A Fortune-Teller Told Me (MUST. Do you believe in storytellers??)
TERZANI, TIZIANO - The End Is My Beginning
TERZANI, TIZIANO - Letters Against the War
TERZANI, TIZIANO - One More Ride On The Merry Go Round (Must)
VALCARENGHI, MARINA - L'aggressività femminile
VAN GENNEP, ARNOLD - I Riti di Passaggio - The Rites of Passage
VAN GENNEP, ARNOLD - The Semi-Scholars
VERGINE, LEA - Ininterotti transiti
VERGINE, LEA - Body art e storie simili, Il corpo come linguaggio.
ABBOTT, EDWIN A. - Flatlandia
ALBINATI & TIMI - Tuttalpiù muoio
ARUNDHATI, ROY - The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
ARUNDHATI, ROY - The God of Small Things
ARUNDHATI, ROY - The Cost of Living
BALLARD, J.G. - Cocaine nights
BALLARD, J.G. - Millennium People
BALLARD, J.G. - Crash
BALLARD, J.G. - La Mostra delle Atrocità - The Atrocity Exhibition
BALLARD, J.G. - Miracles of Life
BALLARD, J.G. - Concrete Island
BALLARD, J.G. - Extreme Metaphors
BALLARD, J.G. - The Crystal World
BALLARD, J.G. - The Drought
BALLARD, J.G. - The Unlimited Dream Company (Paladin Books)
BALLARD, J.G. - A User’s Guide to the Millennium
BALLARD, J.G. - Super-Cannes
BALLARD, J.G. - The Kindness of Women
BLAKE, WILLIAM - The marriage of Heaven and Hell
BLAKE, WILLIAM - Songs of Innocence and Experience
BIOY CASARES, ADOLFO - The Invention of Morel (New York Review Books Classics)
BIOY CASARES, ADOLFO - Asleep in the Sun (New York Review Books Classics)
BIOY CASARES, ADOLFO - Where There's Love, There's Hate (Neversink)
BIOY CASARES, ADOLFO - A Russian Doll & Other Stories
BIOY CASARES, ADOLFO - Un viaggio inatteso
BIOY CASARES, ADOLFO - Diario della Guerra al Maiale - Diary of the War of the Pig
BIRMINGHAM, JOHN - He died with a falafel in his hands
BRADBURY, RAY - Io canto il corpo elettrico
BRADBURY, RAY - Fahrenheit 451
BRADBURY, RAY - The Martian Chronicles
BRADBURY, RAY - The Illustrated Man
BRAUTIGAN, RICHARD - 102 zen stories
BULGAKOV, MICHAIL A. - Cuore di cane - Heart of a dog
BULGAKOV, MICHAIL A. - Maestro e Margherita
BURROUGHS, WILLIAM S. - The Naked lunch
BURROUGHS, WILLIAM S. - Speed and Kentucky Ham
BURROUGHS, WILLIAM S. - The Soft Machine
CALVINO, ITALO - If on a winter's night a traveler
CALVINO, ITALO - Cosmicomics. Collection of short stories
CALVINO, ITALO - Our Ancestors trilogy
CALVINO, ITALO - Le città invisibili - Invisible cities
CHATWIN, BRUCE - Le vie dei canti - The Songline
CHATWIN, BRUCE - In Patagonia
CHATWIN, BRUCE - Figures in a Landscape: People and Places
CHATWIN, BRUCE - What Am I Doing Here?
COELHO, PAULO - The Alchemist
COELHO, PAULO - The Pilgrimage
COELHO, PAULO - Veronika Decides to Die
COELHO, PAULO - Eleven Minutes
COETZEE, J.M. - Shame
DESAI, KIRAN - The Inheritance of Loss: Life & Death In Karachi
DICK, PHILIP K. - In terra ostile - In Milton Lumky Territory
DICK, PHILIP K. - Confessioni di un artista di merda - Confessions of a Crap Artist.
DICK, PHILIP K. - Ma gli androidi sognano pecore elettriche? - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
DICK, PHILIP K. - Scorrete lacrime, disse il poliziotto - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
FAETI, ANTONIO - Il ventre del comunista
FAETI, ANTONIO - Sul limitare
FANTE, JOHN - Chiedi alla polvere - Ask the dust
FISCHER, TIBOR - How to Rule the World
FISCHER, TIBOR - The Thought Gang
FISCHER, TIBOR - Sotto il culo della rana. Under the frog
FISCHER, TIBOR - Viaggio al termine di una stanza - Voyage to the End of the Room
FISCHER, TIBOR - Crushed Mexican Spiders
FISCHER, TIBOR - I Like Being Killed: Stories
GINSBERG, ALLEN - Urlo e Kaddish
GOGOL, NIKOLAJ - Dead souls
HESSE, HERMANN - Siddhartha
HESSE, HERMANN - Narcissus and Goldmund - Narciso e Boccadoro
HOLLINGHURST, ALAN - The Line of Beauty
ISHIGURO, KAZUO - The Remains of the Day
JOYCE, JAMES - Dubliners
JOYCE, JAMES - Ulysses
JOYCE, JAMES - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
KERET, ETGAR - Pizzeria Kamikaze (brilliant book)
KERET, ETGAR - Suddenly a knock on the door
KERET, ETGAR - Pipelines
KERET, ETGAR - Dad Runs Away with the Circus
KEROUAC, JACK - On the Road
KEROUAC, JACK - The Dharma Bums
KEROUAC, JACK - The Subterraneans
LAPIERRE DOMINIQUE - Honeymoon around the world
MAJAKOVSKIJ - Lettere d'amore a Lili Brik - Love letters for Lili Brik
MISSIROLI, MARCO - Il senso dell'elefante
MISSIROLI, MARCO - Atti osceni in luogo privato
MISTRY, ROHINTON - A perfect balance
PALAHNIUK, CHUCK - Invisible monsters
PALAHNIUK, CHUCK - Soffocare - Choke
PALAHNIUK, CHUCK - Rant: The Oral Biography of Buster Casey
PALAHNIUK, CHUCK - Make Something Up: Stories You Can't Unread
PALAHNIUK, CHUCK - Adjustment Day
REY ROSA, RODRIGO - Il tempo concesso
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Midnight's children (My favourite story ever)
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - The ground beneath her feet
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - The Moro's last sight
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - The Satanic Verses
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - L'incantatrice di Firenze - The Enchantress of Florence
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Shalimar the Clown
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Haroun and the Sea of Stories
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Luka and the Fire of Life
RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights
SETH, VIKRAM - Due vite
SMITH, ZADIE - White Teeth
SMITH, ZADIE - Feel Free
SWARUP, VIKAS - 12 Questions
THORNTON, TIM - L'eroe alternativo - The alternative hero
TOLKIEN, J.R.R. - The Hobbit
TOLKIEN, J.R.R. - The Lord of the Rings
VEGA, SUZANNE - Solitude standing
VONNEGUT, KURT - Slaughterhouse - Five
- VONNEGUT, KURT - We are what we pretend to be
- VONNEGUT, KURT - The Sirens of Titan
- VONNEGUT, KURT - Mother Night
- VONNEGUT, KURT - A Man Without a Country