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Silvia is an Italian/Australian artist, born in Rimini,

on the East Coast of Italy.


After a diploma in construction and construction drawings, she received  a degree in  Artistic Anthropology from the  Academy

of Fine Arts in Bologna studying  Art History, Psychology, Drawings, Illustrations, Anatomy, Theatre,  and, above all, she fell in love with Artistic Anthropology, thanks to the amazing teaching of the dearly beloved  Mr. Roberto Daolio.


She studied Professional Make Up at the Accademia Nazionale del Cinema in Bologna and she extensively studied makeup across tribes, traditions, ethnicities, and contemporary anthropology.


Her artistic work is largely influenced by the art of Aubrey Beardsley, Francisco Goya, Lucien Freud, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, René Magritte, Klimt, Schiele,  and the Renaissance. 

Silvia loves the photography of Robert Mapplethorpe, Edward Weston, Erwin Olaf, and the performances of Matthew Barney.

In her illustrations, she works with pen, ink, watercolours and Pantone colours on paper. In her paintings, she works with oil colours.

The village of Santarcangelo Di Romagna, which is near  to Rimini, is a town of painters and artists of all sorts. It is here, where Silvia formed her foundation for appreciating the beauty in simple things, and for finding poetry in the ordinary.

Why do we make art?

Where does the inspiration come from?

What are we making it for?

Silvia remembers when fish of many varieties, wrapped in old newspapers, having been freshly caught , were being passed hand to hand from the boats, to men and women on the docks which, early in the morning, were lining the harbour, on push bikes or just standing , embraced in the first light of the day, anticipating the arrival of the boats, with their escort of flocks of hungry seagulls.


Silvia's Statement:

Fish are life. Fish are work. Fish are a blessing given from Mother Nature. Fish are simple yet beautiful in their simplicity.

Fish smell and are real like only fish can be. 

Fish are part of our roots and heritage,  a classic; They are a metaphor of life and a never-ending source of inspiration. ​

Fish do not discriminate; Fish know no borders; Fish only answer the call of Nature, they follow the currents and sometimes even go  against it . 

Fish works in groups, Fish dance, Fish sing, Fish are predators, and are prey.

Fish range from some of the smallest life on earth to the largest, and occupy waters from the North to South, East and West.

Fish have been feeding humanity from the Beginning and we should respect the Fish, Thank the Fish, Protect the Fish, learn how to live like the Fish. 

Silvia is environmentally aware, she is not against fishing, unless its deemed as an unsustainable fishing practice, and is staunchly against the hunting of large mammals for any reason.

She loves reading not fictions and essays about psychology, sociology, biology, ethnography, and art.

Living by the beach for Silvia is the only possible option.

In 2010 she moved to sunny Australia and she set her studio in Bondi Beach.

Silvia is a passionate freediver and a licensed skipper, above or below the water line is her happy place.

She likes big empty spaces and the work of Frank Lloyd Wright.

She likes silence, heavy metal, meditation, and not thinking by stereotypes.

Leo, massively affected by the full moon. She loves fish.

Only original works, made with love.


Silvia is a proud supporter of  OSOF, Sea Shepherd,  and  WWF


She has adopted an orangutan at:

and she named her Mini Silvia

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